EPCIS Decentralized Network.

The User Friendly, Blockchain Secured, EPCIS Compliant, Supply Chain Visibility Toolset.

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A Multichain Ventures Company


What is EPCIS?

EPCIS stands for Electronic Product Code Information Services


What is being tracked? The item being monitored as it moves within the supply chain, whether a widget or a watermelon.


The date and time of the event around an object within the supply chain.


The location where the event occurred and where the object is expected to be following this event.


The business step taking place - for example, shipping or receiving - and the state of the object (e.g., active, damaged, etc.)


Supply Chain Standardization on Blockchain

EDEN leverages existing global standards with a blockchain integration in order to improve the visibility and accuracy of supply chain data. Centralized data stores for supply chain logistics are vulnerable to data alteration or loss - decentralizing this data with EDEN can inoculate parties from data loss and alteration, providing a better provenance of goods from production to purchase.

Electronic Product Codes
EDEN uses the GS1 compliant EPCIS (Electronic Product Code Information Services) standards for all data within the EDEN framework. By leveraging this protocol, EDEN eases business onboarding to blockchain and ensures the interoperability of data between parties.

Core Business Vocabulary

The Core Business Vocabulary (CBV) of GS1 specifies how objects within a supply chain are labeled and their values within the EPCIS standard. Additionally, however, EDEN can accommodate industry specific variables for individual business needs.

Core Business Vocabulary

The Core Business Vocabulary (CBV) of GS1 specifies how objects within a supply chain are labeled and their values within the EPCIS standard. Additionally, however, EDEN can accomidate industry specific variables to accomidate individual business needs.

GS1 Standards

By employing GS1 standards into the EDEN protocol, our blockchain solution improves the visibility and provenance of data within existing supply chains without heavy development requirements. For parties implementing supply chain visibility tools for the first time, EDEN ensures compatibility with existing global frameworks via GS1 standards.

Network Monitor

Macro-view summaries and data visualizations in real time on an easy to use dashboard. Track object movements within your current industry vertical or geographic region.

Real-Time Event Tracking

Track goods or products as they move from manufacture to shipping, to wherehouse, to back of house. Monitor events around a specific batch of products through their production cycle.

Local Event Details

See the output or processes within a specific geographic area or facility, and monitor all events occuring in that area in real-time.

Focused Event Streaming

Filter your supply chain data by event type (e.g., harvest, final production, shipping, etc.) and monitor these real-time events at a granular level, improving oversight of business efficiencies.


Various teams and technologies were harnessed to create EDEN.


Don't worry about the provenance and security of your data. Add EDEN to your existing tools and improve your data management.

Q4 2019

Network Monitor

EDEN Activity & Stability Monitoring

The live network monitoring dashboard is expected to roll out in Q4 of 2019, enabling users to audit the volume and frequency of event data within EDEN.

Milestone details
Q2 2020

Supply Chain Visbility

Full Suite of Supply Chain Visibility Software

Completion of the query tools is to follow, allowing granular views of event data with business or geographic restrictions.

Milestone details
Q4 2021

Global Collaboration

EPCIS Compliant, Cross-Industry Collaboration Tools

Following completion of the full suite, EDEN will target cross industry integration and tool sets to ease interoperability of data while strengthening provenance.

Milestone details

How EDEN Works

How do events get logged to EDEN?

Business Event

Object events in the supply chain

As business event data is created, the appropriate core business vocabulary (CBV) for EPCIS standards ((e.g., What, When, Where, Why) is created before it is fed to the EDEN Chain.

Capture via IOT to existing ERP

How data enteres the EDEN chain

The data from objects in the supply chain can be received from the same IoT sensors that feed data into a company’s existing enterprise resource platform (ERP) - or manually entered into through existing services before communicating to the EDEN Chain via API.

API Communication to EDEN

From ERP to blockchain

A small fee is paid by the business with Tokes (TKS) and sent along side the EPCIS event data as it sent to the EDEN chain through an API. Fees are paid at a fixed USD rate.

Propogation Through Decentralized Nodes

An immutable layer for supply chain data

After the initial event data is received through the first EDEN node, it is then propogated throughout the entire network of decentralized nodes to ensure the data cannot be altered or lost.